HomeNews & BlogMFA statement on the SEC delaying the compliance deadlines for the Treasury Clearing Rules

MFA statement on the SEC delaying the compliance deadlines for the Treasury Clearing Rules

“Delaying the compliance dates for the rules will prevent disruptions to Treasury markets—the foundation of the global financial system.” – Bryan Corbett, MFA President and CEO

Washington, D.C. — MFA issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) delaying the compliance deadlines for the Treasury Clearing Rules.

“Delaying the compliance dates for the Treasury Clearing Rules will prevent disruptions to Treasury markets—the foundation of the global financial system. MFA supports efforts to make Treasury markets more resilient, but the implementation timeline for the rules was needlessly rushed. The infrastructure needed for mandatory clearing is not ready. MFA appreciates the SEC providing an extension to allow for a smooth transition to mandatory clearing and will continue to work with SEC and FICC to ensure market participants have expanded access to clearing services.”Bryan Corbett, MFA President and CEO



About the global alternative asset management industry

The global alternative asset management industry — including hedge funds, private credit funds, and hybrid funds — serves thousands of public and private pension funds, charitable endowments, foundations, and other global institutional investors. The industry provides portfolio diversification and risk-adjusted returns to help meet their funding obligations and return targets throughout the economic cycle.

About MFA

Managed Funds Association (MFA), based in Washington, D.C., New York City, Brussels, and London, represents the global alternative asset management industry. MFA’s mission is to advance the ability of alternative asset managers to raise capital, invest it, and generate returns for their beneficiaries. MFA advocates on behalf of its membership and convenes stakeholders to address global regulatory, operational, and business issues. MFA has more than 180 fund manager members, including traditional hedge funds, private credit funds, and hybrid funds, that employ a diverse set of investment strategies. Member firms help pension plans, university endowments, charitable foundations, and other institutional investors diversify their investments, manage risk, and generate attractive returns throughout the economic cycle.

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