Anyone registering for MFA West 2022 on the MFA website must also sign the following consent, waiver and release agreement.
By participating in the MFA West conference and any associated events, I acknowledge and understand the highly contagious nature of Coronavirus/COVID-19, and that current medical knowledge of the virus, including its transmissibility and risk remains uncertain, particularly in light of evolving variants of the virus.
Although MFA and the event venues have instituted preventative measures based on current CDC and other governmental guidance in order to reduce the possible spread of COVID-19 at the MFA West Conference, I understand and acknowledge that neither MFA nor the event venues are able to guarantee that these preventative measures will prevent the transmission of the virus, infection and/or illness.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I understand and assume the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected with COVID-19 by or from the actions, omissions or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to on-site contractors, MFA staff, venue staff and guests, meeting attendees, and their families, as well as members of the general public who I may come in contact with while traveling to and from the MFA West and its various events, and while participating in the MFA West conference. I nevertheless expressly assume all of the aforementioned risks, including the risk of being exposed to, contracting, and/or spreading COVID-19, in order to be able to participate in-person at Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills and any associated MFA events in the Los Angeles, CA area on March 7–8, 2022.
WAIVER AND RELEASE: As a condition of my participation in this MFA West Conference and any associated events, I, do hereby expressly waive any rights against and release and hold harmless MFA and any of its officers, attorneys, employees, volunteers, affiliates, contractors, agents, heirs, legal successors, and assigns (collectively “MFA”) from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, losses, damages, expenses, or liability of whatever kind or nature (collectively “liability”), under any theory of law or equity, that may arise during or as a result of my participation in the MFA West conference, including but not limited to any such liability related to or arising out of illness, injury, or death associated with infection of COVID-19 or complications, symptoms, or other effects resulting from contracting COVID-19. My consent, waiver and release will be governed exclusively by Florida law and the exclusive venue for any dispute arising from this consent, waiver and release will be a court of competent jurisdiction in the District of Columbia.